
Construction of Soil Bands in Degraded Rangeland

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Construction of Soil Bands in Degraded Rangeland

The construction of 6300 linear

The construction of 6300 linear meters of soil bands in degraded rangeland at Qorulugud pastoral villages was completed. The constructed soil bands were crescent shaped soil bands with standard measurement used was ( 80 centimeters in height x 1 meters in base) with variable lengths of ( 30 meters to 15 meters per band depending the space of the available space in the respective area that needs rehabilitation. Candlelight team have constructed the soil bands through cash for work using trained community members on rangeland management including 40 labors selected from the community and one skilled foreman from the community which give a total 41 community members of cash for work beneficiaries. The Cash for beneficiaries were working 30 days and every one 40 community laborer received 210 USD as cash for work payment for construction of soil bands in the degraded rangeland. In addition, the one skilled foreman form the community have benefited the cash for work and received 350 USD for working 35 days on soil bands construction including preparation days. The Constructed soil bands covered approximately 10 acres of degraded rangeland area. The construction of the of soil bands was completed on 5 done